
Safe Household Cleaning is reader-supported. All reviews are independent and any products reviewed are purchased by the site owner. To help fund this model, some of the links on the site are affiliate links. If you decide to make a purchase from one of these links, this site will receive some commission. At no cost to you. It helps keeps this place running. Learn more

A few years ago I suffered a reaction to some big name laundry detergent. I suffer from eczema and have pretty sensitive skin anyway, but wanted to find out what ingredient in this detergent caused this allergic reaction. I was astonished to read the label and find no ingredients. Just vague references to surfactants, preservatives and bleaching agents.

How could this be?

After reading up on the subject and realizing that manufacturers have no legal obligation to disclose the ingredients in cleaning products. Cleaning products can cause asthma, allergies, cancer, hormone disruptors and who knows what else. There are potentially unwanted environmental impacts of using particular products. But the manufacturers are not obliged to tell you what ingredients they in your cleaning products.

I decided to start this site.

The purpose of Safe Household Cleaning is to provide you with the most comprehensive information available on cleaning products. It’s the least we deserve.

We will only review cleaning products where the manufacturers have disclosed all the ingredients. We will disclose the ingredients. We will research the ingredients. We will test how well the product cleans. We will give our impartial opinion on the quality of the product.

We will give you the knowledge you need to choose the best, gentlest cleaning products on the market today.

To help keep this site running some of the links are affiliate links. What this means is, if you buy a product as a result of this click, this site earns some commission from that. At no cost to you. It keeps the place running basically.

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  1. Ivon Moore July 10, 2020
    • Chris September 23, 2020
  2. John December 1, 2020
    • Chris December 6, 2020
  3. teri June 24, 2022

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